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Known under the names “Special K”, “Ket”, “Ketty” or “Keta” ketamine hydrochloride is a dissociative, psychotropic amine, used as a general anaesthetic in human medicine and veterinary medicine. It is also used as an analgesic and sedative, as well as to treat chronic pain.


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Known under the names “Special K”, “Ket”, “Ketty” or “Keta” in French-speaking countries, ketamine hydrochloride is a dissociative, psychotropic amine, used as a general anaesthetic in human medicine and veterinary medicine. It is also used as an analgesic and sedative, as well as to treat chronic pain.

In psychopharmacology, it is the subject of research for its acute antidepressant effect, with interesting but nevertheless incomplete results which come up against significant side effects.

From a pharmacological point of view, it is an inhibitor of glutamate at the level of NMDA receptors, but its effect is mainly due to the consequence of the blocking of these receptors, namely the sustained activation of AMPA receptors. It is closely related to phencyclidine (PCP) and pharmacologically resembles dextromethorphan. Buy Kataine Injection liquid 

Ketamine is also used in a roundabout way for its strong narcotic properties, in particular in festive environments.


Ketamine is consumed orally, by sniff, or by intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) injection, and by ingestion in the form of liquid (the powder is diluted in water or alcohol ), or as a plug (anal injection).


The effects of the products depend not only on the dose, the frequency of use and the mode of consumption but also on the characteristics of each individual.

If snorted, ketamine works within minutes and the effect lasts 10 to 40 minutes. . When swallowed, the effects are felt less quickly and can last up to four hours.

When injected intravenously, the effects occur after a few seconds and last about ten minutes. Intramuscularly, the effects take between 2 to 4 minutes to be felt and last about 1 hour.

Ketamine can produce a wide variety of effects depending on the dosage.

At low doses, the effects take the form of a floating sensation, like movements are slowing down in a colourful, cottony daydream state.

At high doses, the effects can take the form of delusional impressions (distorted visions of people and objects, feeling that time stands still, loss of physical sensation of one’s body) or hallucinations, in particular, that of going out of his own body. In the latter case, the effects described by users are similar to the near-death experiences reported by some people with coma.

For most types of use, the effects are linear with a dose, a good experience can be had with low doses. For ketamine injection, we very quickly come to the loss of consciousness
Duration of effects: The onset and duration of effects depend on the mode of consumption. In snort, ketamine works in 5 to 10 minutes and its effects last between 1 and 2 hours. Ingested, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to act for a duration of about 4 hours. By intravenous injection, the effects occur after a few seconds and last about ten minutes. By intramuscular injection, they take between 2 to 4 minutes to be felt and last about 1 hour.

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The effects of the products depend not only on the dose, the frequency of use and the mode of consumption but also on the characteristics of each individual.
If snorted, ketamine works within minutes and the effect lasts 10 to 40 minutes. . When swallowed, the effects are felt less quickly and can last up to four hours.
When injected intravenously, the effects occur after a few seconds and last about ten minutes. Intramuscularly, the effects take between 2 to 4 minutes to be felt and last about 1 hour.


Any consumption exposes to risks. It is always preferable to abstain and in any case, to postpone consumption when you feel tired stressed, badly or when you feel apprehensive.

The consumption of a hallucinogen such as ketamine should never be considered when you are alone, it is important to be surrounded by people you trust, who are informed and who have not taken drugs. Katamine Crystal for sale 

In order to limit the risk of injuries and accidents related to the anaesthetic effect and the inability to move normally, it is important to consume in a quiet, comfortable place that does not require moving.

Taking a meal is not recommended because of the risk of nausea.
Do not mix several products together.
Limit the frequency of consumption.
Avoid driving a vehicle or undertaking a “risky” activity.
In the event of a “bad trip”, offer the user a quiet place conducive to relaxation, and remind him that he is under the effects of the drug and that they will dissipate.  Buy Katamine Cystal 

The injection should be avoided because of the additional risks associated with this mode of use (infections of the skin, blood or allergic reaction to a foreign substance introduced into the body), it is from this point of view less dangerous to sniff. In addition, the use in a sniff and in small doses can make it possible to better control the effects and to stop once these have been obtained; however, this mode of use does not prevent the appearance of side effects and in particular “bad trip”.

The injection represents a risk of transmission of HIV and hepatitis B and C, sniffing exposes you to a risk of contamination with hepatitis C: it is therefore imperative to have your own equipment, refuse to share it and use single-use syringes or straws. Katamine powder for sale 


Ketamine can produce a wide variety of effects depending on the dosage.
At low doses, the effects take the form of a floating sensation, like movements are slowing down in a colourful, cottony daydream state.
At high doses, the effects can take the form of delusional impressions (distorted visions of people and objects, feeling that time stands still, loss of physical sensation of one’s body) or hallucinations, in particular, that of going out his own body. In the latter case, the effects described by users are similar to the near-death experiences reported by some people with coma.
For most types of use, the effects are linear with a dose, a good experience can be had with low doses. For ketamine injection, we very quickly come to the loss of consciousness


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The onset and duration of effects depend on the mode of consumption. In snort, ketamine works in 5 to 10 minutes and its effects last between 1 and 2 hours. Ingested, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to act for a duration of about 4 hours. By intravenous injection, the effects occur after a few seconds and last about ten minutes. By intramuscular injection, they take between 2 to 4 minutes to be felt and last about 1 hour.