HCG 5000iu*5vials


Brand Name: Provigil 5000
Also Known As:  HCG, Provigil, gonadotropin
Manufacturer: Organon laboratories.
Quantity: 1x ampule  5000 IU

Active Ingredient: Human chorionic gonadotropin

Price is as Per Kit


HCG is provided as a glycoprotein powder to be diluted with water, and acts in the body like LH, stimulating the testes to produce testosterone even when natural LH is not present or is deficient. It therefore is useful for maintaining testosterone production and/or testicle size during a steroid cycle. Use of this drug in the taper is rather counterproductive, since the resulting increased testosterone production is itself inhibitory to the hypothalamus and pituitary, delaying recovery. Thus, if this drug is used, it is preferably used during the cycle itself. A daily amount of 500 IU is generally sufficient, and in my opinion usage should not exceed 1000 IU per day.

Daily administration is superior to less frequent administration.

Doses over 1000 IU are noted for their tendency to cause or aggravate gynecomastia, and also act to desensitize the testicles to LH.

HCG may be injected intramuscularly, subcutaneously, or in a shallow injection about 1/4″ deep with the needle going straight in. A 29 gauge insulin needle is recommended. Injection speed should be slow.

HCG, or Human chorionic gonadotropin , which is derived from the urine of pregnant women, is an injectable drug available commercially in the United States as well as many other countries. Pregnyl , made by Organon, and Profasi, made by Serono, are FDA approved for the treatment of undescended testicles in very young boys, hypogonadism (underproduction of testosterone) and as a fertility drug used to aid in inducing ovulation in women. Among athletes, HCG is used to stimulate natural testosterone production during or after a steroid cycle which has caused natural levels to be reduced. Stopping a steroid cycle abruptly, especially when endogenous androgens are absent, can cause a rapid loss in the athlete’s newly acquired muscle. When HCG is used to stimulate natural production, a notably pronounced crash may be avoided. HCG is always packaged in 2 different vials,one with a powder and the other with a sterile solvent. These vials need to be mixed before injecting, and refrigerated should any be left for later use.

Average dose is 1 ampule per week at the end of the cycle.

Additional Information:
Pregnyl / Gonadotropin / HCG

Pregnyl, gonadotropin, vials. Each Pregnyl vial contains 2500 IU gonadotropin. Together with each vial comes also one vial of solvent. Pregnyl comes in packs of three vials (+ three vials of solvent) and is manufactured by Farma Lepori.

Common uses and directions for Pregnyl, gonadotropin

Pregnyl is an injectable, highly purified preparation of human chorionic gonadotropin obtained from the urine of pregnant women.

Pregnyl is used in the treatment of prepubertal cryptorchidism not due to anatomical obstruction. Pregnyl is also used in selected cases of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males as well as for induction of ovulation and pregnancy in infertile women.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG, is also widely used in athletics today. HCG is not a natural male hormone but mimics the natural hormone LH (Luetinising Hormone) almost identically. LH stimulates the production of testosterone by the testis in males. Thus HCG sends the same message which results in increased testosterone production by the testis due to the effect of HCG on the leydig cells of the testis. Athletes use HCG to increase the body’s own natural production of testosterone which is often depressed by long term steroid use.

Pregnyl, Gonadotropin additional information:

Common uses
Human chorionic gonadotropin, HCG, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the human placenta. Pregnyl is a highly purified pyrogen-free preparation obtained from the urine of pregnant females.

Pregnyl, gonadotropin, mimics the action of the pituitary hormone luteinising hormone (LH) which controls the release of eggs from the ovary in women, and controls production of testosterone in men. Pregnyl is used to stimulate egg release in some infertile women after follicle development has been stimulated with follicle stimulating hormone. In men it is used in the management of delayed puberty, undescended testes and oligospermia (low sperm count).
Athletes use HCG to increase the body’s own natural production of testosterone which is often depressed by long term steroid use.


Pregnyl comes in vials containing 2500 IU (+ vials with solvent) of gonadotropin, HCG, to be taken by intramuscular injection.
When administered intramuscularly, gonadotropin causes ovulation to occur. Pregnyl is administered when your physician feels appropriate stimulation criteria have been reached. In certain cases of over-response, the injection may be withheld.
If you do not conceive, Pregnyl may be given again in the next menstrual cycle. However, treatment cycles are not always consecutive, as therapy is individualized for each patient.
Therapy may continue for as long as six cycles, after which time other options may be discussed with you.
For male athletes it is of interest that, when administered, HGC raises serum testosterone very quickly. Gonadotropin therapy is very effective in the prevention of testicular atrophy and to use the body?s own biochemical stimulating mechanisms to increase plasma testosterone level during training.
The optimal dosage for an athlete using HCG has never been established, but it is thought that a single shot of 1000 to 2000 IU per week will get the desired results.
Cycles on HCG should be kept down to three weeks at a time with an off cycle of at least a month in between. For example, one may use gonadotropin for two to three weeks in the middle of a cycle, and for two or three weeks at the end of a cycle.


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